Monday, July 21, 2008


The family went on vacation this week. Friday we headed to the beach for ten days. So what about my fish you ask? Well first a little biology lesson, fish are not like humans, fish are cold blooded animals. Unlike humans, cats, or dogs, fish don't need to continually eat large portions of food to give them the energy to regulate their temperature. Yes, most of the food you eat goes to just keeping your body temperature up. This means that fish can survive on a lot less food because their bodies aren't looking for something to burn all the time to keep their temperature up. In nature fish don't eat like they do in your tank. My fish get two square meals a day. In the wild they'd eat when they found food, and sometimes you don't find any. Going without eating for a while is what fish are designed for. Most fish can go a week easy without ill effect, some two.

So my fish should be alright while we're on vacation. I fed them regularly prior to leaving and changed out 50% of their water the morning we left. My wife's sister will be stopping by to drop off our cats and when she does I left some food premeasured in a cup on the counter for her to give the fish. I figure I've done all I can to ensure that they will be taken care of while we're on vacation. I hope when I get back Fe and the Stooges will be fine, if a little hungry.

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