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First Fish
Today was a big day. THis morning we went to the pet store and picked up our first fish, a small group of seven neon tetras. We brought them right home and started to acclimate them to our water.
Here you can see Charles giving me orders on how to take care of the fish.
They look pretty small don't they? Well they are, they won't get much over an inch in length even full grown.
After an hour of small water changes the neons are ready to go in the tank for real.
Our little characins immediately started to shoal together but went right for the one place I didn't think they would, to the back of the tank by the air stone, heater, and by the filter intake. As soon as they got in the big tank their color perked right back and they started to swim about enthusiastically. 

I'd imagine their new home is a bit overwhelming, they were kept in the store in a tank with no decorations, not even a substrate, now they're dumped into a huge tank full of plants, caves, and sand. Hopefully they'll settle down and start to explore soon. They'll get their first feeding tonight.
1 comment:
good job done guys... very nice blog.... very interesting and knowledgeble... hope
to care for koi fishyou will post newer content in coming days..
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