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Anyways these were built tonight with the aid of a hammer and some aquarium silicone. The first is a large cave, hopefully my red tailed black shark will make this his home, I made it large specifically for him.

The second is a large... pile that I put together. Initially it was just a pile, then I added the long piece of top and made it look like cattle.

Next is a lean to. I tried to add some extra support but nothing really fit without filling up all the space in the middle. The silicone seems to be holding it well and I'm going to bury it a half inch in the sand, at least.

I built these two just for the heck of it.

What I'm really going to need though is something vertical. My tank is ~20" deep and most of my decorations are 6" high, tops. Some of my plants are taller but not most. What I really need is a piece of driftwood or something that will project upwards through the water column. Unfortunately the fake stuff at Petsmart that's the right height is like $40 or more. Oh well, this is obviously a work in progress.
maybe we can find something at the beach and clean it up?
Bro, We got some fish today. I am pumped. For emma we got some orange-red platys, She picked them out because they looked like Nemo. For Mandy, we got some marble Molly's, 1 is about 2.5 inches and the other 2 are smaller, about 1 inch or a little bigger, maybe 1,5 inches. For me, it was Marigold swordtails, 1 male at about 3 inches and 1 female at about 1.75 to 2 inches. IT was fun to put them in with Emma, she made each of us name 1. Mandys molly is of course named molly, all 4 of emmas platys are named Nemo, My dude swordtail is named sabre (cheesy, but Emma can say it), and I am still working on a name for the chick. We also got a few more plants and a treasure chest. The one thing that we got that you need to get for yours is the bubble bars, we got a 23" one that goes most of the way across the tank, but you could join two together. It makes for a cool background and the fish LOVE it, they have been playing in it since I hooked it up. Keeo me updated on yours.
Hey Uncle Aaron,
p.s I have some change in my piggy bank you can use for fish if you want it.
I totally should have kept that tank for myself.
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