The 48 gallon is doing just great. Everyone is fat and happy. Mekong (my RTBS) is right at home. She's bum rushed some of the other fish when they get to nosy with her cave but for the most part she seems quite content. The serpaes are calm and well mannered and the neon herd is staying out of the way. The remaining platys are behaving themselves. The guppies have started to demonstrate an interesting behavior. In the morning when I turn on the light I've noticed all four of them huddled down together in a corner under a cave. During the day they just bum around and ignore one another but apparently at night they like to hang out together.
The Eclipse at work has been an interesting trip. Initially I wrapped the intake in foam to try and slow down the flow through the filter. Well apparently the resitance was too much for the pump. I had problems with the pump overheating and just shutting off. Obviously this would be a bad thing to happen when I wasn't around. I've removed the foam on the intake and for the last ten days it's run without a problem. I also packed the filter with bio-max pellets. Unfortunately I packed some spots too full and had some pellets fall into the biowheel and jam it to a halt. Ugh. Thankfully I seem to have solved all those problems and the tank is mechanically sound.
Biologically... well it appears to be cycled. No ammonia readings, no nitrite readings, and no nitrate readings. It's a bit odd for a tank that's three weeks old with a fish like Shark in it. I've had two algae outbreaks. The first is good old brown algae, yay. The second is only on the driftwood and is this wierd fuzzy gauze. No the pic isn't out of focus, its the algae.

Shark is doing well. He's always excited to see me and eating well. He doesn't seem to mind the current in the tank. Playing in it at times and at others finding quiet spots. His coloration is absolutely gorgeous, his pectoral fins have an iridescent sheen to them that wasn't there a week ago. He's continued to get darker and richer every day.
Sometime next week I'm going to look into adding some harlequin rasboras or maybe platys to the tank for some additional movement.
That's what's been going on lately.
We want updates!!!
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