So now what? Well unfortunately for my tank we're going on vacation at the end of next week so it's probably not the best time to add more fish, though I desperately want to. Angela's sister will be stopping by to drop off our cats and I'm going to have her feed my fish. If everyone makes it through the vacation fine then I'll start to stock up when we get back. First on the list are more neons to give Fe a proper school, after that probably the rummy's.
A note on stocking up, I found another good local fish shop. Ocean Blue has a sister store called Aquaria Studios. It's not as close to my house but it is near work. I like the store better frankly. The shop keeper said they turn over the stock slower than Ocean Blue and I can tell, all the fish are larger than the same breeds at OB. Larger older fish that have been in the store longer are more stable and likely to survive. Maybe not critical with small fish like the tetras but larger more expensive fish will be better off if they aren't fresh out of the packing box.
I also spotted another future denizen of my tank, a german blue ram.

Tell me that's not a good looking fish.
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